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Where a computer science enthusiast shares his stuff.

Athena's Successor: NOVA.

I know it's been quite a while since I've posted, but I've started working on a new project. Using the lessons I've learned from my...

A massive update.

It's been a bit over a year since I've posted on this blog... GCSE revision, schoolwork and a massive project was on my mind, and I just...

Natural Language (Analysis) Toolkit: NLTK

While looking for solutions to interpret instructions, I came across NLTK, a toolkit used for analyzing natural language. I implemented...

SpeechRecogniser: Classes n' Stuff

I thought I was done with the Snowboy part of the program, but boy was I wrong. Here's the code for the I made: And here's...

Snowboy: My Try!

Using the knowledge about the methods and functions from the, I constructed my own .py using the snowboydecoder. Instead of...

Snowboy: Asynchronous Programming

NOTE: As Snowboy isn't compatible with Microsoft Windows as of yet, I used a computer running MacOS Sierra. Following the instructions on...

Introducing Athena: my new project!

Coming off my success (well, partly) of the AlexaPi project, I have decided to develop a small virtual assistant program coded in Python....

Ethereum, PascalCoin and Python?

I've started double mining Ethereum and PascalCoin using Claymore's Double Miner. I'm part of the Ethereum ethermine pool, and the...

Pi: The Final Frontier

Sorry I haven't updated this blog for a while! I was busy studying for my Year 10 mocks - and in my opinion, it was worth it! A*s on...

Complications with baking a Pi?

Out of the box, the thing looked... exposed. Vulnerable. As seen in the picture above, I rested it on the box it came with. Like with my...

A thick slice of Raspberry Pi.

My Raspberry Pi has just arrived. After spotting a deal on an online retailer, I quickly bought it up. All that remains is to start my...


For a fun little project, I took an old ProLiant G6 Server from an old office my mother used to own, and transferred the 2 500GB HDDs...

And so it begins.

Hi! I'm Jian Soo, the creator of this site. I've been urged to create this to share my various exploits with programming and computers in...

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