Hi! I'm Jian Soo, the creator of this site. I've been urged to create this to share my various exploits with programming and computers in general. To those that will read this site, I hope that you enjoy the content created by a 14-year-old novice at programming. I'll give you a rundown of myself.
I'd consider myself to be pretty good at Python, and I'm no whiz at HTML or PHP, but I can make things work - but any website I create looks like it's straight out of the 90s - you know those Geocities pages?

Yeah. Like that. Yikes.
I know a little JavaScript, and I feel like I'm at least adequate at visual design - stuff like logo creation and video editing. I've done several acting-related activities, such as winning the poetry competition (thank you, Michael Rosen, for writing Strict) and participating in a lead role for a production.
I'm ready to open a new chapter by starting this blog - time to get inventive.
I hope you'll enjoy this journey with me over the next couple of years.
Jian Soo.