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Writer's pictureJian Soo

Pi: The Final Frontier

Sorry I haven't updated this blog for a while! I was busy studying for my Year 10 mocks - and in my opinion, it was worth it! A*s on everything except AddMaths.

Enough about my academics, let's get down to business.

TLDR; it works.

After installing Raspbian, I quickly set out to install AlexaPi. And the road was long and filled with errors.

Video related.

I did manage to get it working in the end, and I tested her out. She didn't understand everything I said, and sometimes I had to repeat myself, but it DID work, and therefore I am considering this project a success.


It was definitely fun, and involved a few hours of tedious work, including a journey of discovery to find out that turning off the RPi by pulling the plug corrupted data on the SD card.

I had the whole AlexaPi service installed, and I thought I was close to glory, until I realised that the config file didn't work. There was a template in the /opt/AlexaPi directory, but that was a template. I searched high and low, before reading a bit of the source code to determine that the real config file was in /etc/opt/AlexaPi! Boy, did that throw me for a round. That took me roughly 2 hours to figure out.

The problems with crashing and the watchdog service not working were also big big pains... and me forgetting the SSH and VNC passwords and even the pi username ended in lots of pain too.

Overall, I feel like this has been an amazing experience, and therefore I am happy to say that this has all been worth it. I'll be looking forward to the next project with the Raspberry Pi!

Until next time,


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